Deboning chicken thighs may be a chore for some, but are you really saving money by doing it yourself? We compared both and the results may surprise you!

Need a great recipe for those deboned chicken thighs? Try Stuffed Chicken Thighs with Prosciutto Mozzarella and Quick Tomato Sauce
2017 UPDATE: I’ve now conducted this experiment on deboning chicken thighs several times. The results each time are remarkably accurate to the results from the first couple of times I carried out the comparison for this article.
I’ve stood there a hundred times I’m sure; halted in my tracks, standing in front of the supermarket chicken display, staring at chicken thighs wondering whether it’s best to buy the boneless skinless variety or buy the parts on the bone and do the work myself. The question of which is more economical has always caused me to hesitate and have that internal debate.
In my cooking, I use chicken thighs as much as I do breasts. I actually prefer their richer flavor and much better ability to be slowly braised in stews, curries or for pulled chicken so that debate naturally happens quite frequently. With the boneless skinless variety most often being at least twice the price, is it worth the extra cash?
Convenience aside, the real question in terms of value though, has to be: How much of that chicken thigh is actually skin, bone and fat and how much is usable meat? I set out to find the answer.
I purchased 3 pounds (1.36 kg) of untrimmed bone-in, skin-on chicken thighs and broke them down myself. Having probably bought a ton of the things over the years, I would have to say that this package was pretty typical in terms of lack of trimming. I find that, in supermarkets particularly, there is little to no attempt to trim any excess skin or fat from chicken thighs when packaged.
When deboning chicken thighs, some markets even appear to hide as much unnecessary excess skin and fat as possible by folding it under the thigh when packaging but thankfully that was not the case with the thighs that I worked with on this occasion. I’d say they were pretty typical but I point out that it is entirely possible based on my experience, that the skin and fat content in some packaged chicken thighs could conceivably be even higher than those used here.
I removed bones, all the skin and as much as the visible fat as I could from these chicken thighs for the purposes of this comparison. I should note that part of the backbone was still attached to the chicken thigh joints in those I used.
On to the results. Here’s the breakdown:
Starting weight 3 pounds (1.36 kg)
Usable meat 1 pound 3.6 ounces (0.56 kg)
Bones 14.6 ounces (0.41 kg)
Skin and trimmed fat 13.8 ounces (0.39 kg)
So that means that of the starting weight of the chicken:
- 41% was usable meat
- 30% was bone
- 29% was skin and trimmed fat
My conclusion is that the numbers support buying the boneless skinless chicken thighs. For example if you needed to buy 1 pound or kg of boneless, skinless chicken thighs you would need 2 1/2 times that amount of thighs that have not been deboned and skinned.
I know that some supermarkets and big box stores do remove the backbone portion of the bone when packaging but this does not affect the usable meat portion. In my own experience of buying bone in thighs with just the centre bone, these are the ones that are more likely to have the untrimmed extra skin folded under to make up the weight.
I believe you would still be better off buying the boneless skinless thighs…plus you save all the time and trouble. Just let the butcher do it.
My new rule of thumb is that if the boneless skinless thighs are 2 to 2 1/2 times the cost, I will choose to but them from now on…now, what about chicken breasts? Stay tuned.
Now, how about some recipe suggestions for those chicken thighs. Here are a few of my favorites:
Low Fat Tomato Tandoori Chicken Curry
Apple Braised Pulled Chicken Sandwiches with Pink Peppercorn Pickled Red Onions
Onion and Fennel Braised Chicken with Brown Butter and Roasted Garlic Mashed Potatoes
Want even more chicken recipes?
You’ll find hundreds of other great ideas in our Quick & Easy Dinners Category and even more in our Chicken Recipes Category.
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One last boneless chicken thighs suggestion! Tomato Fennel Braised Chicken Thighs.
Tuesday 14th of November 2017
Hello Barry, your post is almost 4 years old, but I came upon it while researching if I should by bone in or boneless thighs. Doris Italian Market where I live has if for $1.99 a pound, and since I have plenty of homemade chicken stock in the freezer, I do not need the bones. It was interesting to read that only 40% + contain meat. Most chicken thigh I buy has a lot of fat tucked in, and I will buy boneless as long as it is 1.99 a pound. I am glad I came across your blog and look forward to read your recipes.
Tuesday 17th of May 2016
Thank-you so much for this!!!
Sunday 1st of March 2015
My question / concern about buying the deboned ones is a higher chance of contamination. I feel the less they have been "tampered" with the more likely they will be safer.
Barry C. Parsons
Wednesday 25th of March 2015
I'd be more concerned with cooking temperature in terms of food safety. I mostly use thighs for braising so it isn't an issue for me.
Thursday 5th of February 2015
Thank you so much for answering this question that has had me, and I'm sure most people, baffled! Surely the one that is cheaper is that way because you have to do the butchering yourself. Not so! I suppose the only people really benefiting are those who have a use for the skin and bones. I know when I boil down the thigh for stock, I prefer the skin on. Adds tons of flavour and a bit of fat. It comes off easily and the chicken is easily separated!
Saturday 6th of September 2014
I like to use meat with bone in as it adds so much flavour. Skin on meat purchases do not cause a lot of work removing the skin.
Barry C. Parsons
Saturday 6th of September 2014
I often buy the bone in too, just for that reason but the point of the post is to be a guideline for people who are trying to make the most economical choice for them.