Makes sufficient for 6 – 8 flatbreads.
4 cups flour
1/2 tsp instant rise yeast
1 & 1/2 cups lukewarm water
2 tsp sea salt
1 clove finely minced garlic
2 tbsp chopped fresh rosemary
2 tbsp chopped fresh thyme
Place all ingredients in the bowl of a stand mixer equipped with a dough hook. Mix for 5 -10 minutes on medium speed. You may need to add a little more flour, a tablespoon at a time until the dough doesn’t stick to the sides of the bowl. Alternatively stir together with a wooden spoon before turning out onto a floured bread board and kneading for 5-10 minutes. Cover the dough and allow to rise for about an hour until about doubled in size. Turn the dough onto a floured surface and knead for another few minutes. Divide into 6-8 equal portions, form into balls and let rest for about 10-15 minutes before stretching or rolling the dough out into about 9 inch rounds.
Preheat your gas grill to about medium low heat and place the stretched dough portions a couple at a time directly on the grill. Watch these carefully, adjust the temperature and move them around on the grill as needed. At this point you can brush them with garlic olive oil if you like before flipping the flatbreads and grilling them for about another minute.
Roasted Tomato Jam
6 medium vine ripened tomatoes diced
2 cloves minced garlic
4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
½ teaspoon kosher salt
½ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1 teaspoon brown sugar
Toss together in a shallow baking dish and bake at 350 degrees F for about an hour stirring occasionally until most of the liquid has reduced off the tomatoes are the consistency of jam. You can stir in your choice of chopped fresh herbs at the end of the cooking time if you like or just serve it plain.
Smoked Paprika Burgers
For each burger combine:
6 ounces lean ground beef
1 tbsp Worcesthershire Sauce
pinch kosher salt
1/8 tsp black pepper
1/4 tsp toasted sesame oil
1 clove roasted garlic, mashed into a paste
2 tbsp hot sauce (optional)
Form into oval patties and grill until fully cooked. Over each patty, melt
2 ounces grated mozzarella
Top with the roasted tomato jam, wrap in a warm flatbread and serve.